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[E] dreamswirl
[E] dreamswirl
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over 9 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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I "as a new player" do believe the "resource pack" aspect of the rules should be brought up first and formost. I honestly overlooked the resource pack part of unallowed things because I dont cheat, just skimmed over it quickly seeing words like "flying, speed client, hacking"...nope I dont do that stuff. Being a new player I am a bit clueless and this was literally the first online server I ever joined. We tried a smaller server that was a "free for all" and really liked the "golden shovel" aspect of your world. HowlingWind and I bought "minecraft realms" before we knew that servers existed. When I was banned he thought I was joking. A stern in game warning from an administrator "dreamswirl you are using a banned texture pack, review the rules and correct the situation or you will be banned" would be just as effective, and less demoralizing.
over 9 years ago
1. I have read over the rules again thoroughly, I understand them and can claim no further ignorance to any rules set in place. 2. I overlooked the resource aspect of things not allowed, this is no excuse, there is none. I use the pack in survival/creative offline as a "phychic sense" kind of thing, mostly when Im lost underground which I was, in a generated mine dungeon. if unbanned I will just dig a stair up like i usually do. You can visit my and HowlinWinds home at 84 63 9430 3. I apologize to any players and staff I offended or bothered by using the xray resource pack. I'm a peaceful casual player and would never want to ruin anyones good time.
over 9 years ago
I did just appeal and the post was removed, oops there it is, my bad
over 9 years ago
Username:dreamswirl When you were banned : 6-2-15 Person who banned you: I'm not sure Reason you were banned: New to minecraft, turned on an "x-ray resource pack", did not know packs were bannable in addition after my ban my friend "MysticAshley" used this computer to check out your server and ask about my ban but was "auto banned" soon after logging in, I feel at fault for that
over 9 years ago